Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Finally Updating

On October 29, 2009 Isabella Rose entered our life. She is beautiful and perfect, I couldn't ask for a better daughter.

Anyway, I have a new recipe to post.

The original came from my mom and I made 2 little changes. No pictures but it is really good. And I had to cut out all red sauces due to nursing but this one seems okay with Bella. Plus its fast and easy.

2 boneless/skinless chicken breast cleaned and cut into thin strips
Salt/Black Pepper/Paprika/Garlic Powder/Onion Powder
1/2 cup white wine
8 oz tomato sauce
1 cup heavy cream
Fresh parsley and basil chopped, about a hand full
1/2 bag egg noodles

Boil a pot of water and cook egg noodles

Pour a bit of EVOO in the bottom of a pan, just enough to cover bottom.
Season chicken with s, bp, p, gp, and op then add to pan. Cover and cook until done, flipping as needed.
Add wine and let simmer until reduced by about half.
Add tomato sauce and cream. Mix. Add parsley and basil.
Let heat up while stirring. Add S&P if needed.

Sprinkle with parm. cheese and serve.

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