Thursday, April 24, 2008

Summer Chicken and Pasta

I made this up tonight I had chicken defrosted and didn't know what to do with it. Again, for the camera to use your imagination :)

2 boneless/skinless chicken breast
Spaghetti (I use 1/2 box organic)
About 1/4 cup chopped fresh curly leaf parsley

Preheat grill. Season chicken breast with S&P and grill until cooked. While chicken is grilling heat up a pot of salted water and cook spaghetti. Drain and put into big bowl. When chicken is cooked, cut into strips and add to bowl of spaghetti. Put a drizzle (about 1 tablespoon) of EVOO and fresh parsley and toss all together. Add more S&P if needed. Serve and top with shredded Parmesan cheese.

This was super quick for those hot summer days you don't have time or feel like standing over a stove top!

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