Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Stuffed Bell Pepper and Fried Okra

Made this spur of the moment tonight after picking the okra and bell pepper from the garden and it came out delicious!  No measurements on this because I was originally making dirty rice and decided to steal some of the meat from that before adding the rice and did this last minute.
I made 3 small stuffed peppers.

Stuffed Bell Pepper:
Whole Bell Peppers (stems cut off and cleaned)
Ground Turkey
Diced Onion
Diced Bell Pepper
Minced Garlic
Salt, Pepper, Italian Seasoning
Bread Crumbs
Parmesan Cheese
Feta Cheese

 Preheat oven to 400.  Brown the turkey, add onion, diced bell pepper, garlic, salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning.  Cook down until veggies are soft.  Mix in bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese.   Put mixture in bell peppers then top with feta cheese.  Bake until bell peppers are soft (took mine about 25 minutes but they were small).

Fried Okra:
8 fresh okra, diced.  Mine were cut in about 1/4" pieces
Egg wash (1 egg with about 1/4 cup milk)
Corn Meal seasoned with a little salt, pepper, onion and garlic powder
Coconut Oil (you can use any oil you want)

Pour enough oil in a pot to cover bottom about 1/4"
Coat okra in egg wash then corn meal.  Drop in oil.  Cook about 5" then turn and cook another 5".  Take out with slotted spoon and put on paper towel.  Sprinkle right away with a little salt and black pepper. 

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